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A Review of the Internet of Military Things and its Transformative Potential Connected Warfare

Anjali Kiran Wasankar, Dr. Sushil Bakhtar


The endeavour to create networked elements that can perform various military and security activities or missions is known as the Internet of Things (IoT) in the defence industry, also referred to as the Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) or the Internet of Military Things (IoMT). IoMT will facilitate a more intelligent interaction between people, networks, and interfaces in a battlespace that is becoming more dynamic. It will also revolutionise the flow, analysis, and gathering of information, which will in turn revolutionise decision-making. To analyse and distribute data, cutting-edge military forces have been investing in infrastructure and technologies related to command, control, communications,
computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR). By more effectively using and optimising the usage of a greater volume of the acquired data, IoMT seeks to advance this process. What distinguishes the platforms and systems that are now in use and connected by different command and control (C2) backbones may be a question that some people have. The primary distinction is size:
IoMT will enable a far larger network with potentially revolutionary features. IoMT is currently in its
infancy because infrastructure design and the underlying technologies needed to facilitate its
application in actual combat situations are still being developed. The seamless integration of
commercially available technologies (COTS) and collaboration between the armed forces and private
enterprises, academic institutions, and research centres will facilitate the deployment of this
technology. The process of creating significant military enablers takes time. Unlike many IoT products
and solutions on the civilian market, IoMT has been awarded and is going to keep getting R&D
financing from the government with the goal of generating a product.


IoT, IoMT, IoBT, military force, networks, communications, intelligence.

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