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Mean Edge Estimation in Population of Planar Graph Using Stratified Sampling Procedure

Deepika Rajoriya, Diwakar Shukla, Shashikant Trivedi, Sharad Pathak


When stratified sampling is used then the population has the capacity to be grouped on the
basis of certain characteristics. Generally in survey sampling the respondents are individual
persons and they are physically unlinked. Consider a situation of graphical structure where
nodes and edges are the main constituents and if somebody wants to estimate the average
length of edges between two nodes then it is a problem under usual sampling setup. This
paper assumes the planner graph situation in each strata and attempt has been made to
estimate the average edge length between any two nodes of planner graph based stratified
population. A node sampling procedure is developed for drawing a sample using matrices. An
estimator has been suggested for estimating the mean edge length parameter. It is found that
the suggested methodology has optimal properties and found efficient also.
AMS Subject Classification: 62D99, 62–07 and 62–09.

Keywords: Planar graph, Stratified sampling and Node sampling procedure

Cite this Article Diwakar Shukla, Shashikant Trivedi, Sharad Pathak, Deepika Rajoriya. Mean Edge Estimation in Population of Planar Graph Using Stratified Sampling Procedure. Research & Reviews: Journal of Statistics. 2019; 8(3): 11–31p.


plaar graph, stratified sampling and Node sampling procedure

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