Abscess on Right Thoracic Wall Due to Traumatic Reticulitis in a Buffalo

B Sudhakara Reddy, LSS Varaprasad Reddy, S Sivajothi


3 year old heifer was presented to the clinic with repeated fever, anorexia and emaciation. Examination of buffalo revealed fever, tachycardia, tachypnea, ruminal atony with bloat and hot, pain full abscess on right thoracic wall. Haematology revealed erythrocytopenia, leucocytosis with more number of band cells. Buffalo was treated with inj. strepto penicillin along with supportive therapy and external application of iodex ointment over the abscess. After completion of five days of therapy abscess was ruptured and pus was oozed out. While draining the pus three inches iron long needle was came out from the abscess. Improvement was noticed after completion of therapy.


Keywords: Abscess on right thoracic wall, traumatic reticulitis, buffalo, needle


Cite this Article

Sudhakara Reddy B, Varaprasad Reddy LSS, Sivajothi S. Abscess on Right Thoracic Wall due to Traumatic Reticulitis in a Buffalo. Research & Reviews: Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 2015; 4(3): 24–26p.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjovst.v4i3.570


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