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The Nature of Morality

Anweting Kevin Ibok


One of the essential dialogs in moral philosophy concerns the beginning of morality or, as such, the establishment, on which morality is based. There have been distinctive speculations that have constructed morality with respect to natural law, human instinct, human needs or understandings made between the people. Some of these hypotheses, for example, nature law, and agreement hypothesis cannot effectively clarify a large portion of our moral encounters. There are also arguments springing out on objective and subjective views of morality, as many persons think morality is objective while some think it is subjective. It is the aim of this study to look at the nature of morality, specifically the objective and subjective views of morality, and their shortcomings.

Keywords: Morality, human needs, moral philosophy, agreement hypothesis

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Anweting Kevin Ibok. The Nature of Morality. OmniScience: A Multi-disciplinary Journal. 2017; 7(2): 32–40p.

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