Need Assessment for Opening a Special School for Differently Abled Children in Mekelle City, Ethiopia 2014
Every one differs from each other in all aspects which includes physical, emotional, intellectual and behaviors. This causes a different situation for a teacher who has to manage the students with different abilities. It has been greatest challenge for the school teachers to provide a better service without individual differences. In a class room a child can be a normal or with special need those who required more attention. The aim of the study is to find the requirement of special schools in Mekelle and by which it will open the way for opening a special school in Mekelle which will help in educating the differently abled children. A community based cross sectional study on the parents of differently abled children, medical doctors and school teachers are conducted from Oct, 2014 to Nov, 2014. Using single population proportion formula a total of 422 subjects are participated which was sampled by multi stage sampling method. Interviewer and self administered semi-structured questionnaire are used to collect the data. The data has been analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Bivariate analysis has been employed to determine predictors of the outcome variable. Then variables which are found significant at P-value <0.05 in bivariate analysis are enter to multivariate logistic regression to calculate the independent effects of independent variables on outcome variables. The results of the qualitative data are presented in narratives in triangulation with quantitative data. This project has been conducted from Oct, 2014 till Nov 2014. A total of 26,585.00 birr has been used to carry out the project.
Keywords: Special school, differently abled children, inclusive education, disability, equal rights
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Kshtrashal Singh, Hailay Gebremichael Gebrekidan. Need Assessment for Opening A Special School For Differently Abled Children In Mekelle City, Ethiopia 2014. OmniScience: A Multi-disciplinary Journal 2015; 5(1): 20–50p.
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