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Domestic Violence: A Literature Review

Fatima Buchh, Neilofer Khan, Naheed Vaida


The paper is based on the promulgated literature discussing various effects of domestic violence. The conspectus is based on free text search for various terms particularizing to domestic violence and which makes us to understand the concept behind it. Infringement of conventional roles and postulations escort to discrete detrimental effects on women and children, it has been found that home is the most precarious corner in the contemporary world. The research has shown that the probability for mortiferous violence against women occurs throughout their lives. The episodes of domestic abuse puts women at transcendent risk of a variety of long term effects including various health problems and negative monetary effects as well. The literature review proclaims that hardly any scrupulous study or erudite output which can expedite the actual and veracious facts about domestic violence is available, although the process of creating awareness in women to assert their rights based on an egalitarian tenet is yet in a fetal stage. However, keeping in view colossal advancements in 21st century, erudite output is still in its embryonic stage. The present review paper makes the fact obvious that there is ample scope for presumptuous probe into the topic. The study also paves way for the related organizations and institutions at state, national and international level to take up plentiful and apt measures for upbringing of further research.  The paper provides review of the domestic violence and provides the summary and brings together topics previously reported on in segregation.         

Keywords: Domestic violence, wife beating, violence, effects      

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Fatima Buchh, Neilofer Khan, Naheed Vaida, Domestic Violence: A Literature Review. Omniscience: A Multi-disciplinary Journal (OSMJ). 2015; 5(2): 6–9p.

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eISSN: 2231-0398