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The Impact of Motivation on Workers Productivity in Hospitality Establishments

Oso G. K., Adebayo I. N.


Labour, as a factor of production differs from all other factors in that, it is human and rational. For this reason, it needs to be differently treated. It needs to be encouraged loved, induced or motivated. When this is not adequately done, the result is poor performance and low productivity. This study has investigated the impact of adequate motivation on worker productivity in hospitality industry with particular reference to some hotels in Auchi. The research made us of information obtained from the top management, middle and low management staff of the organization. Data collected were used to answer research questions and test the hypothesis formulated for this study. Chi-square was used in the calculation as 5% level of significance. The study concludes that there is significant relationship between motivation and workers’ productivity. The study therefore, recommends that restriction of the pay system, upward review of salary, provision of bonus and benefit or rather enhanced remuneration of employees. It is suggested that there should be a periodic appraiser of workers performance, training and development programmes. It is believed that if all these measures are taking, employee performance will be enhanced towards improved productivity.

Keywords: Motivation, labour, productivity, hospitality, impact

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eISSN: 2231-0398