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Use of Internet Facility and Its Services Impact on the Faculty Members of SPBPEC and SPIT of North Gujarat Colleges: A Study

Harsahdkumar J. Patel, Dineshkumar H. Parmar, M. G. Patel


The present study is aimed at analyzing the internet use and its services impact among the faculty members of SPBPEC and SPIT of North Gujarat. The study factors affecting the use of internet, purpose, services, infrastructures facilities, problems of using library resources, most use of database, etc., were studied. The research methodology tool, method of questionnaire was adopted to collect the data followed by both of the college faculty members. Required internet facility and services were identified through previous study. Responses were also collected on the problems faced in using internet infrastructure facility and services. The authors of this study have made findings on various points on the use of internet facility and services.


Keywords: Internet usage, library facilities and services, library resources, education database, engineering college libraries, North Gujarat

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eISSN: 2231-0398