How to success in life
It is difficult for man to succeed now but the fact is that it is easier to succeed if one works hard in the right direction by following a certain principle. Man needs to have some basic principles to be successful. Success can be achieved easily if the right effort is made with the goal in mind. Here are some theoretical ideas for this. The greatest way to be happy in life is to not be jealous and work hard. Jealousy is man's greatest enemy. In jealousy man spoils money, peace, body, health. Work is accomplished through hard work. Jealousy comes to man because he does not work himself and the other burns for accomplishing that work. If a man assumes to work hard, he will never be sad in life. That is why he gets success in life. When man pays attention to his work without seeing each other, then man himself becomes happy. Many people work in the workplace to fill less with champala Patti and work. If someone does a good job then bring it down and why make a small mistake out of it. And he is saddened by such an appearance. If you want to be happy in life, you have to work hard to stay out of sight. People often see short cuts as a success. If success had come from a short distance, everyone would have become an entrepreneur today. Success is achieved step by step. The true happiness of life is one's own body, not wealth, material happiness.
Keywords: Think of the society, behavior in society, various behaviors in society, culture in society, Human behavior in society
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Dhaval Chudasama (2021) Current Thinking & Temperament Scenario in the Society. Omni Science: A Multi-disciplinary Journal. 11(1): 12–15p.
Dhaval Chudasama (2021), “Step 16 Sacraments with Pooja Lessons”, Journal of Multidisciplinary – ISSN: 2279-0268, Vol.1, Issue.40, pp.1-3.
Dhaval Chudasama (2021), “Strategies of the Successful Long Term Business”, Journal of Commerce Management – ISSN: 2279-025X, Vol.1, Issue.40, pp.1-5. last Access 29-05-2021.
Nihal Gulammahiyuddin Shaikh, Dhaval Chudasama. Research on Cyber Offenses under Information Technology Act, 2000. Recent Trends in Parallel Computing. 2021; 8(1): 14–20p.
D M Chudasama, L K Sharma, N C Solanki, Priyanka Sharma (2019), “A Comparative Study of Information Systems Auditing in Indian Context”, IPASJ INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IIJIT), Volume 7, Issue 4, pp. 020-028.
D M Chudasama, L. K. Sharma, N. C. Sonlanki, Priyanka Sharma(2019), “Refine Framework of Information Systems Audits in Indian Context”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.5, pp.331-345.
D M Chudasama, Kathan Patel, Parshwa Dand (2020), “Awareness of Data Privacy Breach in Society”, International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), Vol.8, Issue.10, pp.303-307.
D M Chudasama, Darsh Patel, Abhishek Shah and Nihal Shaikh (2020), “Research on Cybercrime and its Policing”, American Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Survey, Vol.8, Issue.10, pp.14.
Soham Shah, M.A. Lokhandwala, D.M. Chudasama (2021) “Decoding Farm Laws”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development, Vol.4, Issue.2, pp.590-595.
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