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Root Causes of Degrading Human Values and Their Solutions

Krati Sharma, Sahaj Jain, Rhythm Verma, Gargi Sharma, Sneha Meghnani


Values are the beliefs, principles, and standards that guide a person's thoughts and actions. They act as a moral compass, guiding people in making choices that are consistent with their values and principles. Highly competitive lifestyle of people these days has changed multiple scenarios of living; people have chosen a careless and less respectful way in an instant. There is increasing peer pressure amongst kids these days; they get influenced by friends who are involved in unnecessary things to seem cool. Pupils don’t take their studies seriously. Their priority is not getting knowledge but passing the assignments. The education system is playing a major role in leading pupils towards great mental distress; not only that but the modern lifestyle of kids these days has increased many noticeable issues—suicide is one of them. If we specifically talk about women, they’ve been stripped of certain basic rights and facing irrelevantly high competition amongst men in becoming their equals. The present research paper tried to clarify the causes of how and why human values are steadily declining over time. Our fundamental morals are missing in many aspects despite our diversity and wealth in culture and

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