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Diversification of Ethnotraditional Medicinal Herbages of Indian Agro-Forestry

Garima Modi, Yogita Chhangani


India is one of the richest floristic regions of the world and is well-known for its ancient heritage regarding medicinal plants. India has 15 agro-climatic zones, 45000 different plant species, out of which 15000 are medicinal. Medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) play an important role in the healthcare of people around the world, especially in developing countries. The Indian system of medicine has identified 1500 medicinal plants. The forest of India is Pandora's box having a rich collection of medicinal plants. Forests are the primary sources of medicinal plants. The Indian systems of medicine ‘Ayurveda,’ ‘Sidha’ and ‘Unani’ entirely and homeopathy to some extent depend on plant materials or their derivatives for treating human ailments. The global importance of MAP materials is evident from a huge volume of trade at national and international levels. To meet the requirements of expanding regional and international markets and the healthcare needs of growing populations, increasing volumes of medicinal plants are harvested from forests and other natural sources. India officially recognized over 3000 plants for their medicinal value. India is one of the 12 mega diversity centers in the world, with this bio-resource wealth, it ranks 10th in the world and 4th in Asia having 15 to 20 thousand plant species with the medicinal value of which 30 percent are considered as endemic to India. Currently, there are about 880 species of medicinal plants in all Indian trade. The World Health Organization estimates the present demand for medicinal plants is about US $14 trillion a year and projected demand by the year 2050 is the US $ 5 billion.


Herbal medicine, Medicinal plants, Photochemical, Ayurveda, Unani medicines

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