Adequacy of Library Collection and User Satisfaction in Mysore Region Engineering College Libraries (MRELC) in Karnataka: A Study

Khaiser Nikam, K.N. Shivakumaraswamy


Libraries are the heart of all the academic libraries, which assists to conduct research and teaching programs successfully. Engineering college libraries are no less in this direction. The present study explores to identify the adequacy of library collection and user satisfaction in Mysore region engineering college libraries. Adequacy is based on quantity, quality and accuracy of the collection. This will automatically lead to user satisfaction. Thus, both adequacy of library collection and user satisfaction are directly related to each other. The sample is faculty members of Mysore region engineering college libraries. A total of 1000 questionnaires were distributed to all the faculty members of these colleges. A sum of 760 responses was received. Of all the types of adequate collection, in case of ‘Text books’ there is significant differences (2=593.645; P<.000) are more in number scoring 389(51.2%) of MRECL users say ‘Adequately’ with highest mean value of 3.93 SD being .90. and so also the satisfaction of use of ‘Text books’ where significant differences (2=619.724; P<.000) more in number, scoring 403(53.0%) of MRECL users, who say ‘satisfied’ with highest mean value of 3.87 SD being 1.02. The major contribution of this survey is that, the results help in strengthen the adequacy of the Library collection of Mysore region engineering college libraries and to can lead to higher user satisfaction levels.
Keywords: Adequacy of library collection, Users satisfaction, Engineering college libraries, Mysore region, Karnataka

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Khaiser Nikam, K.N. Shiva kumaraswamy. Adequacy of Library Collection and User Satisfaction in Mysore Region Engineering College Libraries (MRELC) in Karnataka: A Study. Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences. 2015; 2(2): 25–31p.

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