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Study of Immune Response and Phototherapeutics of Viral Disease



How much the world has been facing the pandemic caused by COVID-19, which brought great despair around the world? As we know, this virus has had several negative effects, such as social distance, closing companies, schools and distance between families. Especially with great effects on people in the risk group who have chronic diseases like asthma, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, cancer and people who do not have a very good and strong immune system that can fight this terrible virus. 'Immunity' or known as natural defense, which helps to fight external agents that harm our organism. This new coronavirus has symptomatic and asymptomatic characteristics in its victims, due to the presentation of the immune status of its host. In this article, we mention how immunity works against this deadly virus. We also emphasize that it is possible to create a good and healthy immune system, with demonstration of an adequate diet, good physical exercise and meditation. We also present herbs / plants and vitamins that can help the immune system in curative treatment, presenting its side effects, its biodegradation and very easily obtained in nature. Our future scope is to study the molecular structure of phytonutrients or phytochemicals and their interaction with the defense system in the human body.


Immunity, Prevention, Phytochemicals, ACE 2

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