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Criteria for Algal Classification

Teena Agrawal, Prerana Badoni


Algae are the photosynthetic microcells found in the aquatic environment. Algae are the unicells and multicellular microorganisms ranging in size from a few microns to the meters-long kelps in the ocean's large seas. Algae are both kinds, they can be prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, prokaryotic algae are of the cyanobacteria, whereas the rest of the algae of the other classes are of eukaryotic origin. Algae are aquatic in origin, plant body varies from unicells to multicell, long filamentous bodies, and a large network of long filaments, which habitat the long oceans in marine water, algae are the primary photosynthetic organism in the food chains of the Aquatic ecosystem, they are eaten by the heterotrophs which are the secondary consumers, many of the algae are commercially harvested for several products like the agar, carrageenin and other several edible genera in addition ethnobotanically many of the genera are eaten as a medicinal point of view. There are several criteria for the classification of algae, among them pigments and patterns of the life cycle are the main points for classification of the algae, in this review article discusses some features of criteria of algal classification.



Algae, reserve food material, pigments, classification, Chlorophyceae, Rhodophyceae, evolution, flagella, prokaryotes, eukaryotes

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