Hematological and Biochemical Changes in the Freshwater Fish, Pseudetroplus Maculatus Exposed to Sublethal Concentrations of Chlorpyrifos

K P Raibeemol, K C Chitra


Sublethal effects of chlorpyrifos on hematological and biochemical parameters were assessed in the freshwater fish, Pseudetroplus maculatus. Fish were exposed to chlorpyrifos at two sublethal concentrations, 0.661 µg/L (one-tenth of LC50—96 h) and 1.32 µg/L (one-fifth of LC50—96 h), for 15 and 30 days maintaining the control group. Blood collected from the control and treated groups were used for analyzing the hematological and biochemical parameters. Chlorpyrifos exposure significantly (P<.05) decreased red blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration and packed cell volume with significant (P<.05) increase in white blood cell count at both sublethal concentrations when compared with the control group. Erythrocyte indices like mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration showed significant (P<.05) increase after chlorpyrifos exposure. Differential leukocyte counts such as lymphocyte, monocyte, and eosinophil were significantly (P<.05) increased meanwhile the number of neutrophil and basophil showed significant (P<.05) reduction. Serum protein and globulin level were significantly (P<.05) increased with reduction in the level of albumin at both concentrations. The activities of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase increased significantly (P<.05) after chlorpyrifos exposure. The study suggests that chlorpyrifos induced sublethal toxic effect in Pseudetroplus maculatus which is evident by the alteration in hematological and biochemical parameters. Thus, the widespread application of chlorpyrifos in the natural environment could cause potential adverse effects to aquatic organisms.


Keywords: Chlorpyrifos, biochemical parameters, hematology, Pseudetroplus maculatus, sublethal toxicity

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K.P. Raibeemol, K.C. Chitra. Hematological and Biochemical Changes in the Freshwater Fish, Pseudetroplus Maculatus Exposed to Sublethal Concentrations of Chlorpyrifos. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Life Sciences. 2018; 8(3): 108–116p.


Chlorpyrifos, sublethal toxicity, hematology, biochemical parameters, Pseudetroplus maculatus

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjols.v8i3.623


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