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A Cost-Effective Approach to IoT Weather Monitoring: Design and Development

Bitan Duari, Debojyoti Roy, Biswajit Panda, Susmita Das, Sumanta Dey, Pijush Dutta


In this study, an inexpensive Internet of Things (IoT) system that allows tracking and recording meteorological data, such as moisture, temperature, pressure of the air, and particulates of dust in a residential neighbourhoodneighborhood, is designed and implemented using open-source technology. A Node MCU board, sensors (such as those for temperature, humidity, rainfall, pressure, etc.), and a Blynk software that offers a graphical user interface for visualizing and analyzing the data generated by the sensors often make up the basis of current research. The project shows the proof-of-concept viability of creating a scalable weather station utilizing open-source tools for a quicker time to market as well as the privacy and security issues with the finished product.


DHT-11 Sensors, bmp180, LDR, rainfall sensors, IoT

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