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Investigations of Cosmic Ray Strength in the Heliosphere Through Solar Cycles 23 and 24

B. K. Tiwari


Solar wind disturbances and magnetic turbulence inside the heliosphere are affected by GCR, which effect is known as Solar Modulation. A data-driven investigation of the Galactic Cosmic Ray flux's temporal dependence over the Solar Cycle is carried out to investigate this event. Every month, we gather GCR data using a global statistical inference to ascertain how rigidity and time affect the GCR diffusion parameters. In this article, we examine their connections to the dynamics of the heliospheric plasma and analyse their meaning in terms of fundamental particle transport mechanisms. The observation is based on monthly mean count rate of CRI data from neutron monitors (Moscow, Oulu) and solar-interplanetary interaction through Omniweb data centre for the Solar cycle 23–24 interval. During the minimum period during Solar cycle 23/24, we detected significant levels of CR strength with a low level of solar interplanetary activity parameters. Data on CRI and solar interplanetary parameters—that is, data that are better anti-correlated with solar activity parameters—are correlated using certain statistical procedures.


Coronal Mass Ejections (CME), Solar Activity (SA),Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs), Solar Magnetic Field(SMF), Solar Wind Velocity (Vsw), Heliospheric Magnetic Field (HMF)

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