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The Mediation Effect of Personal Characteristics on Organisational Behaviour

Sathiya V., Senthamarai Kannan K.


The concept of job satisfaction has been developed in many ways by many different researchers and practitioners. The Data is collected from 19 Arts and Science Colleges in Tirunelveli District. Employee Satisfaction is developed with dependence on Employee Involvement, Workplace Conflict, Working Condition. Employee retention is developed with dependence on Employee Involvement, Workplace Conflict, Working Condition. The Recursive SEM is used to test the hypothesis and solve the model using ADF Estimators. The fitted model is Indirect Path Model. In this model, the variables Employee Involvement, Workplace Conflict, Working Condition are indirect effect on Employee retention. Here, Satisfaction is the Mediator between them. In this case, the direct effect of Employee Involvement, Workplace Conflict, Working Condition on Employee retention is Zero. This is known as Mediation Model. By using employee satisfaction as a mediation effect on the model, the model is better fit. In the research, the relationship between Workplace Conflict and Employee satisfaction have the significant result and can be supported This study presents direct and indirect effect on path model. Among Direct and Indirect Path Model, the Indirect Path Model is better than direct path model. The Indirect Path Model is known as the Mediation Model. This fitted model indirect path model is Recursive SEM Model.

Keywords: Employee satisfaction, Workplace Conflict, Direct Path Model, Indirect Path Model.

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Senthamarai Kannan K., Sathiya V. The Mediation Effect of Personal Characteristics on Organisational Behaviour. Research & Reviews: Journal of Statistics. 2019; 8(2): 34–40p.


Mediation Effect,Structural Equation Modeling,Employee Involvement,Indirect Path Model,ADF Estimators

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