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Environmental Impact on Agriculture and Food Supply

Mukesh Verma, Niraj Vishwakarma


Global environment change is a change in the long-term weather that shows the regions of the world. The term "weather" refers to the short-term changes in temperature, wind, and/or precipitation of a region. In the broad term, the environment change could affect agriculture in several ways such as quantity and quality of crops in terms of productivity, growth rates, photosynthesis and transpiration rates, moisture availability etc. Climate change can worsen the production of the crop. Climate change is likely to directly impact food production across the globe. The research will be based on the survey of 30 farmers, and the proposed solution for the same.


Keywords: Climate change, agriculture production and food supply, environmental impact

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Mukesh Verma, Niraj Vishwakarma. Environmental Impact on Agriculture and Food Supply. Research & Reviews: Journal of Dairy Science and Technology. 2019; 8(1): 1–5p.

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