Milk-Cereal-based Composite Complementary Foods and their Storage Stability: A Mini Review

P. Narender Raju, Manoj Kumar C.T., Ashish Kumar Singh, Sangita Ganguly, Manav Manharbhai Patel


In developing countries, depending upon the socio-economic situation, the nutritional status of the people is enhanced by encouraging increased use of inexpensive and available protein sources in child feeding. Traditional infant-feeding practiced in countries like India, is usually cereal based. Cereals in combination with milk solids are generally used for the preparation of weaning foods to improve the overall quality. Milk-cereal based complementary food is defined as food obtained from milk and milk solids, variety of cereals, pulses, soybean, millets, nuts and edible oil seeds and may contain other food additives and nutritionally significant minerals and vitamins. The quality of these food products during storage is affected by various factors such as inherent composition and exogenous factors such as packaging materials, head space air quality, storage temperature, humidity and handling. The published information about the milk-cereal based complementary foods along with the changes in the quality during storage has been briefly reviewed.


Keywords: Milk-cereal based complementary food, protein sources, child feeding

Cite this Article:

Narender Raju P, Manoj Kumar CT, Ashish Kumar Singh, et al. Milk-Cereal-based Composite Complementary Foods and their Storage Stability–A Mini Review. Research & Reviews: Journal of Dairy Science and Technology. 2015; 4(1):   1–9p.

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