Potentiality of Application of Microwave Heating in Dairy Industry

Sachin Lad, Pinto SV, Aparnathi KD


Microwave technology is an advanced technology that has been applied by the food industry in recent years. Microwave processes offer distinct advantages in conduction heating methods in food processing due to their potential for rapid and uniform product with reduced surface temperatures. Microwave radiation leads to lysis of microorganisms in foods resulting in increased shelf life of food products. When a food product is subjected to microwave heating, heat is generated inside the food rapidly when microwave penetrates through it therefore, a higher quality product is obtained in terms of taste, texture, and nutritional content. This review article discusses the mechanism of heating and destruction of microorganisms by microwave irradiation, its advantages and limitations, safety aspects and the application of microwave in dairy products and analysis of foods.


Keywords: Microwave technology, milk, Vitamin, cholesterol

Cite this Article

Sachin Lad, Pinto SV, Aparnathi K D. Potentiality of Application of Microwave Heating in Dairy Industry, Research & Reviews: Journal of Dairy Science and Technology. 2016; 5(1): 41–55p.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjodst.v5i1.494


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