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Ethnomedicinal and Economical Aspects of Endemic Plants in the Catchment of Myristica Swamps, Western Ghats, India

Sayantani Chanda, T. V. Ramachandra


Myristica swamps are freshwater swamps famed for its fascinating primitive live and considered as world’ most unique and primaeval ecosystem. These swamps are predominated by members of the ancient family. Myristicaceae and created enormous hydrological network, unique distribution of plants vegetation along the Western Ghats, India. These Myristica swamps forest are considered as a virtually living museums of primitive live and support better understanding in regard to climate change on evolution of plants. In the present study, effort has been made towards developing the baseline information and to document the endemic species on medicinal plant properties, its economic aspects and highlighting the enormous biodiversity of the Myristica swamp forests towards understanding the wealth of natural resources in the global biodiversity hotspot – Western Ghats, India.

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