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A Descriptive Study on Solid Waste Management Practices Among Residents

Mary Elizabeth John


A survey was conducted on solid waste management practices among residents of Nellikuzhy Panchayat Ernakulum district. The objectives of the study were to assess the facilities available for the waste management at home, analyse the practice of waste segregation, identify the methods and practices of waste management at home. Out of 450 houses hundred samples were selected by random sampling method. The validity of the tool was obtained from subject experts and data collection was using a questionnaire which consist of two parts socio-demographic proforma and dichotomous checklist. The main findings of the study were 70% of them had no disposal facility, 26% had Bio compost Bin, and 4% had vermin compost. All the residents had a storage area with closed type of garbage bin and practiced segregation of waste and emptying bin regularly. The other findings with regard to the practices of waste management 81% were following dumping, in which 75% were doing dumping in the backyard 22% uses common ground of Panchayat and municipality and 3 % of population dumping outside the house. All these findings definitely pointing out the importance of awareness programs and establishment of waste disposal plant in each panchayat by the help of local self-government.


Solid waste management, Practices, Resident, environmental, economic

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