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Variation of Meteorological Parameters and their Influence on Tropospheric Surface Radio Refractivity in Minna and Yola, Nigeria

Loretta Ogochukwu Onuorah, Agbo, G. A, Okoh, D


The variation of meteorological parameters and their influence on tropospheric surface radio refractivity in Minna (middle belt) and Yola (north east), Nigeria was investigated. The results show that variation of each meteorological parameter (temperature, humidity and pressure) contributed to the diurnal and seasonal variations of tropospheric surface radio refractivity at Minna and Yola. The wet term of refractivity (Nwet) and dry term of refractivity (Ndry), contributed 24% and 76%, respectively at Minna and 23% and 77%, respectively at Yola. The regression model shows that there is strong positive correlation between refractivity and each meteorological parameter (humidity, temperature and pressure).The results revealed that humidity, temperature and pressure, respectively contributed approximately 89%, 84% and 55% of refractivity variation, in Minna and 93%, 92% and 54% of the refractivity variation in Yola.

Keywords: Meteorological Parameter, Regression, Refractivity, Diurnal and Seasonal

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