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Nutritional Quality of Cow Milk: A Review

Kriti Gupta


Cow milk, a rich source of several macronutrients and micronutrients, is consumed by many children. Recently, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) survey showed a progressive decrease in per capita consumption of cow milk. The nutritional composition of milk is highly complex, and it contains almost every single nutrient that the human body needs. Commonly available non-dairy beverages are derived from almond, cashew, coconut, hazelnut, hemp, oat, rice, and soy. Cow milk has higher protein content and quality compared with most of these products. It was noted that most of these beverages are fortified with calcium and vitamin D. The bioavailability of these substances after fortification is, however, not available. Cow Milk is a highly nutritious fluid formed in the udders of dairy cows, designed to sustain the new-born calf during its first months of life. A huge variety of food products are made from cow milk, such as cheese, cream, butter and yogurt. These foods are referred to as dairy products, or milk products, and they are a major part of the modern diet.


Keywords: Cow milk, non-dairy beverages, nutrition, protein quality

Cite this Article

Kriti Gupta. Nutritional Quality of Cow Milk: A Review. Research & Reviews: Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 2019; 8(1): 1–5p.

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