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Impact of Plant Diversity in Cereal Aphid Density in Wheat Crops

Pooja Tuli, Kumud Tewari



Grain aphids cause financial damage to wheat crops. In Tamil Nadu, Eriopis connexa is an indigenous ladybird. In the present study, the numerical reaction of E. connexa to changes in aphid thickness on wheat crops with high and low plant differing qualities was examined. The study was completed in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, from September to December 2007 and 2008, on two wheat crops with either a higher plant differing qualities (HPD) with shelter strips or a lower plant differences (LPD) without asylum strips. Products were examined consistently and the plenitude of aphids and E. connexa was recorded. The overwhelming aphid species were Schizaphis graminum, Metopolophium dirhodum, and Sitobion avenae. Eriopis connexa demonstrated a direct increment in the numerical reaction to an increment in aphid thickness, which fluctuated in space and time. The plenitude of E. connexa expanded in connection to the harvest improvement and aphid populace and was higher in the HPD than in the LPD framework. This predator expanded its regenerative numerical reaction just in 2008, with a critical liner reaction in the HPD framework. This recommends that the capability of E. connexa as a predator of oat aphids additionally increments specifically in extent to scene vegetal differing qualities.

Keywords: Agriculture, wheat crops,connexa

Cite this Article

Pooja Tuli, Kumud Tewari. Impact of Plant Diversity in Cereal Aphid Density in Wheat Crops. Research & Reviews: Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 2015; 4(2): 35–38p.

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