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Identification of important wild woody plant species in Debub Ari and Bena-Tsemay district

Belayneh Lemage Bongido


The current study was conducted in Debub Ari and Bena-Tsemay districts of South Omo zone in Southern Ethiopia. This study was initiated to identify important wild woody plant species to increase their suitability and accessibility for human desires. A multi-stage sampling procedure was employed to carry out this study in the selected districts where the resources are available. The result showed that there was forest resources from which important wild woody plants identified through household survey, key informant interview and focus group discussion in the studied districts. Form which 19 and 23 woody species were identified and ranked according to their important contribution utilized by the community in Debub Ari and Bena-Tsemay districts, respectively. From the identified species in Debub Ari district, Faurea rochetiana, Strychnos spinosa, and Ximenia Americana; and in Bena-Tsemay Grewia tenax, Osyris lanceolata, Balanites aegyptiaca, Combretum molle, Ximenia americana and Ehretia cymosa are the preferred and need desirable silivicultural practices to continue their production sustainability. Further research is needed to domesticate identified and preferred important wild woody plants, should be desirable, and planting those species on farmland to intensify the production and diversifying the livelihood of the community.


Agriculture expansion, deforestation, domestication, woody species

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