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On farm Evaluation and Demonstration of inter cropping Lablab with Maize in Zala and Derashe Special Districts, SNNPR

Melese Ejamo Bune, Anteneh Bulke, Mesfin Gambura, Lakamo Liben, Tesema Tesfaye


Cultivating a combination of cereals and legumes is essential for establishing sustainable food production systems, especially in circumstances where there are constraints on external resources, uneven land distribution, and water scarcity. Incorporating various crops enables farmers to generate income even in situations where the main crop is affected or fails to produce the anticipated yield. Farmers in the study area plant this crop in their home gardens, field margins and terracing areas as a sole crop. To solve this, Arba Minch Agricultural Research Center conducted an adaptation trial of both maize and lablab varieties   at the station level and obtained promising results. However, the socioeconomic profitability, preference of inter cropping at farmers level were not evaluated and not introduced in the study areas. Therefore, this study aims to enhancing the adoption and diffusion of the technology, to collect farmer’s feedback and to study costs benefits of the technology in 2013/14 E.C at three FTC’s and 30 farmers at Zala district of Gofa Zone and Darashe special district. The districts were chosen based on the technological disparity in maize and lablab production.. 1kebele from Darashe special district and 2 kebeles from Zala district and 5 farmers from each kebeles were selected based on their willingness and land availability. Training was provided to farmers and stakeholders. Sole maize and maize intercropped with lablab adjacently planted inter and intra spacing of 75cm and 25 cm for maize on both plots and lablab were sown on one plot after 15 day of sowing maize in alternative row with intera spacing of 30cm. 25kgha-1 maize and 15kgha-1 lablab with 100kg-1 NPS and 150kg-1 UREA. Data’s were collected by measurements and interview. Yield, farmer’s preference, and cost benefit data were analyzed using mean, percentage, and the feedback data’s were analyzed qualitatively. Mean grain yield of sole maize that were obtained from farmer’s field were 3,780.83Kgha-1 and 3,761.6 Kgha-1 of maize with lablab. Grain yield that obtained from FTC’s were 3,766.6Kgha-1 and 3,733.3Kgha-1 of maize with lablab and sole maize respectively. Biomass yield of lablab obtained from demonstration plots of farmers field and FTCs were 3.75tonha-1 and 3.9tonha-1 respectively. The net benefits that were obtained from maize with lablab and sole maize were 82,753.5 ETB and 73,304.25 ETB respectively.

Ultimately, organized mini field days were held to visit the demonstration sites, during which farmers selected intercropping lablab with maize based on various criteria. They prioritized its ability to resist the presence of harmful weeds like parthenium, enhance soil fertility, promote mutual benefits, and provide both forage and grain.. Hence, it would be more advantageous to expand the cultivation of intercropped lablab with maize on a larger scale to encourage wider adoption and dissemination of the technology.


BH-546, Biomass yield, grain yield, ILRI-147, inter cropping, lablab, legume, maize

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