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Flavour of Dairy Products: A Review

Indu Balakrishnan, Khushal Solanki, Arun Kumar H.


Milk and milk products are an important part of daily nutrition in many regions of the world. The flavour of milk and milk products is the key parameter for consumer acceptance and marketing along with the nutritional benefits. Depending upon the Flavour, a trained person can easily identify whether the milk is fresh or not. Even if until recently, studies have been going on flavour chemistry of milk and milk products, there is still a lot to be revealed towards understanding the flavour chemistry/biochemistry of dairy products. Defining the flavour of dairy product continues to challenge researchers working in sensory/flavour area. This study reviews the reasons of flavour production in dairy products, particularly in yoghurt, cheese, and UHT milk.


Flavour production, Yoghurt, Cheese, UHT milk

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