Geriatric Foods

Kiran Lata, Arvind Jaiswal


Geriatric malnutrition is a very prevalent and relevant issue for consideration. Geriatrics is concerned with prolonging life through the prevention and treatment of diseases among aged people.Ageing is related to the deterioration of physiological and health functions which reduces the ability to perform various basic activities of daily life. However, elderly population is not a homogeneous group as people age at different rates, so there is great variability among individuals. For elderly population, nutrition plays an important role by preventing disease and promoting recovery from illnesses.In elderly people, the risk of under-nutrition increases as the age progresses due to many factors that compromise nutrient and fluid intake. The cornerstone for geriatric food is well-balanced diet for the aged people. In all, the approach of geriatric nutrition provides proper and optimal nutrition to help and provide sufficient amounts of energy, protein and micronutrients which improves nutritional status. In addition to this, it also maintains the function, activity and capacity for rehabilitation. It reduces the chances of disease by delaying the leading causes of death of aged people such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke and reduces the mortality. Due to less rejuvenation of body cell mass in aged people, extra nutritional support has to be considered.While formulating the diet programme for geriatric people their physical activity, lactose intolerance and other specific cases should be taken into consideration. Along with this,maintenance of proper functioning and quality of life is often the most important aim of geriatric nutrition.


Keywords: ageing, geriatrics, food, nutrition

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Lata K, Jaiswal A.Geriatric Foods.Research & Reviews: Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2015; 4(3): 29–44p.

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