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Study of Osmotic Dehydration as a Pretreatment for the Conservation of araçá-boi (Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh-Myrtaceae), a Regional Amazonian Fruit

Caroline Venturoli Rodrigues, Cesar Vinicius Toniciolli Rigueto, Marieli Rosseto, Ionara Regina Pizzutti, Claudineia Aparecida Queli Geraldi, Juliana Maria de Paula, Raquel Aparecida Loss, Sumaya Ferreira Guedes, Sumaria Sousa e Silva, José Wilson Pires Carvalho


This work aimed to study the use of osmotic dehydration and drying as a conservation technique for araçá-boi, a regional fruit from the Amazon. In dehydration, solutions of sucrose and glucose syrup were used. The experimental design was based on the factorial planning 22, varying the time (6, 12, and 18 h) and concentration of the solution (50, 60, and 70%). The samples obtained in the best dehydration conditions were subjected to physicochemical analyses of ashes, pH, acidity, and vitamin C. The drying kinetics in the air circulation oven at 60°C was performed to check the interference of the osmotic treatment, in time and loss of moisture. The experimental planning indicated that the highest levels of concentration and time (70% and 18 h), provided a reduction in the moisture of less than 60% of the samples of araçá-boi. Physicochemical analyses indicated that osmotic dehydration caused an increase in pH, reduced acidity, and vitamin C content for both samples dehydrated with sucrose and glucose. The equilibrium moisture in the drying kinetics was obtained around 500 min for the dehydrated samples and 400 min for the fresh sample. The Page and Midilli and Kucuk models describe the drying kinetics behavior of osmotically dehydrated and fresh samples of araçá-boi, respectively.


Amazon, araçá-boi, biodiversity, conservation, osmotic dehydration

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